Answer types / options

There are plenty of answer types for the participant. In this section all answer types and their options are explained.

Answer types

Answer typeExplanation
free textThis is a free text input and the text will not be capitalized, so the input “Manuel” would be saved as “manuel”.
free text multilineThis free text is a multiline input field, so the participant can add several lines of text.
free text rawThis is as well a free text input but the text will be the original one. For instance, “Manuel” would be saved as “Manuel”.
free text multiline rawThe multiline input field again, but this time again a one-to-one copy of the text.
free numbersIn this field, the participant can only write numbers in it.
free numbers rawIn this field, the participant can only write numbers in it.
likertDisplayes a likert-scale. Important: you have to provide these answer options. See ZZZ
likert silentDisplayes a silent likert-scale. Important: you have to provide these answer options. See ZZZ
likert sliderDisplayes a likert-scale slider. Important: you have to provide these answer options. See ZZZ
select oneThe participant can select one from one to several multiple answers. Important: you have to provide these answer options. See ZZZ
select one rawtodo
select one listtodo
select manyThe participant can select several from several multiple answers. Important: you have to provide these answer options. See ZZZ
select many rawtodo
select many modaltodo
select one imagesDo not use it, needs to be revised!
select many imagesDo not use it, needs to be revised!
dateThe participant can select a date.
timeThe participant can select a time.
date and timeThe participant can select date and time.
imageDo not use it, needs to be revised!
videoDo not use it, needs to be revised!
audioDo not use it, needs to be revised!
graphical codeDo not use it, needs to be revised!
customDo not use it, needs to be revised!

Answer options

There are several ways you can handle or influence the answer options.

Placeholders for text / numbers input

You can use a placeholder for all free text/number answer options. If you ask for the name of the participant and the answer option is empty, he/she will only get an empty input field. If you want to handle this more like a normal chat you probably want to have a sentence. The underline symbol “_” is used as a placeholder. Here you can see an example.

Placeholder example

This text and the placeholder results in the following text bubble.

Placeholder example bubble

Select One / Many options

If you select the answer types “Select one” or “Select many” you have to predefine the possible answer options. The syntax for that is the following:

So if you ask the participant something like “Do you like milk?” there could be the following answer options. The variable_value_to_save is needed that you can save the result in a variable. After that you can check for instance in a rule if $participantLikesMilk = yes / no.

Select option

These answer options result in the following chat bubbles.

Select option bubbles

Likert options
